I love animation. It’s part of my day job, and I don’t get to do enough of it. But I love watching animation from others, too. Have since I was a little kid. Saturday morning cartoons? I lived for that. Today, the best of the best in 3D animation is, indisputably, the work of Pixar. There, the story is the thing. From Toy Story to The Incredibles, Cars to Coco, they all have two things in common – great animation and story über alles. The Great Pandemic of 2020 screwed up almost everything, but movies were hit particularly hard. Who wants to go to a movie theatre and sit for two hours breathing other people’s germs, right? Even if you are (like me) someone who believes we all need to get on with our lives where we can, and go on living, a movie theatre seems like a big risk. So it’s particularly sad that Pixar’s latest will likely never get the attention it so richly deserves, because Soul is an absolute gem.
Putch Here.
Apple (app Store), Google (Play Store) and GoDaddy (servers) are all in the process of banning apps that do not censor content from their platforms. Wimkin, Parler, MeWe – all are feeling the heat. ALL of these platforms ban content that promotes violence, illegal acts, and pornography. So what’s the problem? They do NOT ban Conservative ideological content. Apparently, expressing your opinion is ONLY okay when you conform to the ideology favored by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google and Apple.
[Read more…] about Putch Here.Sadly, It’s time to choose a side.
I’ve written a lot about politics. I also have quite a few friends on the Left. I’ve been told, they read what I write, because I tend to debate and not demagogue, discuss and not disparage. Yesterday, I reposted a meme that lumped the Democrats all in a group that would be fighting against Americans in the coming battle for our country.
They were not amused.
[Read more…] about Sadly, It’s time to choose a side.Where do we go from here?

And so, here we are.
A month plus after the election, and the country is divided. From where I sit, we all seem to be in one of three groups:
- Those that believe the election was stolen, and Trump really won.
- Those that believe that Biden won.
- Those that don’t know what to believe.
We can further subdivide these groups into distinct subgroups or sects:
[Read more…] about Where do we go from here?I Wonder, Woman?
It’s hard to capture lightning in a bottle, two times in a row. When Warner Bros. announced the sequel to Wonder Woman, I was interested to see if Patty Jenkins and Gal Godoy could pull it off – come up with a second film that would meet or exceed how great the first one was. There were high expectations for this one – the first WW movie was also the first in the DC character universe since the Christian Bale Batman trilogy to seem like anything but a dreary sodden mess. Then, the coronavirus happened, and suddenly, going to the movies was not something most people would be able to do. When Warners announced they would release WW84 on HBO, December 25th, they admitted that the movie would lose money without a theatrical release. In fact, they agreed to compensate Jenkins, Gadot, and the others with a piece of the profits, in order to take it to streaming right away.
[Read more…] about I Wonder, Woman?…and then THIS happened.

I’m a live and let live kind of guy, but we’re living in a world where that attitude is perceived as an invitation to be attacked, maligned, or messed with. In the real (physical) world, I’ve gotten my Level 4 Private Security/Bodyguard license from Texas DPS, which makes me an honest-to-goodness first responder and both licensed and trained to carry a firearm (pretty much everywhere), OC spray (pepper spray to you noobs), a baton, a Taser (the real kind, with the wires), and handcuffs. The group I’m with emphasizes training – we trained on driving vehicles in a protective detail this weekend. Fascinating stuff. But in the online world, things aren’t as simple. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube – they are all run by people on the Left that think that censorship is just A-OK for opinions that differ from their own. Not cool. Not cool at all. And then there’s the monetization thing. They all make money, real money, when someone reads something I wrote. I get…nothing for it. And if/when they don’t like what I write, they can simply “shadow-ban” me by effectively hiding it from the rest of the world. In a word, this SUCKS. So I’m doing what I can to fight this.
[Read more…] about …and then THIS happened.The Non-Honeymoon Honeymoon
I’ve led an odd life. I’m on my second – and last marriage. You see, I finally found the right woman. My soulmate. All the other clichés…my muse. My partner. My lover. The one who completes me. I’m three years plus into this marriage, and lemme tell ya, when you find the right one, NOTHING can destroy what God has brought together. Not cancer. Not COVID. Not rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor dark of night. Nope. We ‘get’ each other. Which is about as far as you can get from my first trip down the aisle as possible. It’s as if I’ve hit the jackpot, every time I wake up in the morning next to her.
[Read more…] about The Non-Honeymoon HoneymoonElection 2016, a Facebook Postmortem
It’s easy to play armchair quarterback and try and figure out why large demographic groups behaved in unexpected ways. Why didn’t white women vote for one of their own? Why wasn’t “she has a vagina” a compelling argument? Why did coal miners and blue collar workers flip to a Republican this year? Why wasn’t it enough to have 600,000 felons in Virginia voting Dem, not enough to turn the tide? For that matter, why didn’t the illegal alien vote put Hillary over the top? There are no real answers to these questions. So let’s look at others, and since we don’t have answers, let’s just make up some stuff. Fun, huh?
What If? (Presidential Edition)
When I was a kid, I used to do a lot of thinking about alternate universes, time machines, changing the past…that sort of thing. I’d speculate on things, along the lines of “I wonder what would have happened if “X” had been different, with “X” being some event, phrase, action et cetera. I’ve revisited that speculative line of thought today, because of something I saw online, posted as a reply to a post I made on Facebook. It caused me to wonder what those on the Left would be saying about the election right now, if Trump had not won the nomination. And I’ve come to the conclusion that nothing would be different. Not. One. Damn. Thing. Allow me to explain.. [Read more…] about What If? (Presidential Edition)
Caveat Venditor! (Seller beware!)
I monitor a lot of different sites, looking for more business for my design firm. Sadly, a lot of the sites that match those who need a designer with people like me are filled with scammers, looking to make a quick, illicit buck off of coders, scribes, and graphic artists. Here’s a prime example of a scammer’s job request:
Job type: Web Design [Read more…] about Caveat Venditor! (Seller beware!)