And so, here we are.
A month plus after the election, and the country is divided. From where I sit, we all seem to be in one of three groups:
- Those that believe the election was stolen, and Trump really won.
- Those that believe that Biden won.
- Those that don’t know what to believe.
We can further subdivide these groups into distinct subgroups or sects:
- Those that believe Trump won, and we must fight to overturn the election/expose the truth.
- Those that believe Trump won, but don’t believe there’s anything we can do to fix this.
- Those that believe Biden won, fair and square.
- Those that believe Biden won, but cheated to do so…and don’t care, as long as he’s won.
- Those that suspect there was voter fraud, but don’t think it changed the election results
- Those that suspect voter fraud, think it changed the election results, but don’t think it can be fixed
- Those that have no clue what’s going on, but wish it would be all over.
For the record, I’m convinced there was massive voter fraud, targeted mainly in just a few, critical counties in a few states – mainly the ones that (illegally) stopped counting, then resumed after truckloads of ballots miraculously turned up. I believe the election was stolen, and Trump very likely won. But most of all,
If you’re willing to do some deep-dive research on this, and ignore the “nothing to see here…move along” chorus of nay-sayers in the media, you’ll discover a pattern of fraud that is as obvious as it is devastating to our Republic. But let’s say, you’re like me – you see that the odds of getting anyone to DO anything about this are slim to none, and Slim, as they say, left town. So, barring a miracle or some Hail Mary play by Trump & Co., Biden will be sworn in, come January. THEN what?
The Left is singing the whole “Kumbayah” thing – it’s time to unite behind the President elect. My question: “Where were they for the last four years?” Oh, wait – that’s right. They’re the ones wasting BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars trying to impeach Trump on the basis of a dossier created on the behalf of Hillary Clinton that they KNEW was bogus from the get-go. They’re the ones that have chanted “Not My President” for the last four years. And they are the ones that claimed Trump could do nothing right. Yeah. Unifiers all, right?
For me, I think 2020 has been a preview of coming distractions for the country. The Media and the Left (pardon my redundancy) has done a bang-up job, poisoning the well. Doesn’t matter who takes office next month, half the country will hate them. Good luck governing.
As to where we go from here? I have no idea. I see gridlock for the next two years, at least. I see civil unrest, and I would not be surprised to see entire states in open revolt. Does that mean succession? Civil war? I don’t know. But it would not surprise me. I believe in the rule of law. I also believe that the Left does not play by the rules, which leaves the Right at a huge disadvantage. Where does that leave us law-abiding citizens, when the Left tries to ram down their favorite agenda items down our collective throats? I don’t know…yet. But I suspect we will all look to the past to discover what our future holds. And if that doesn’t scare you, you’re not paying attention.
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