I’m a live and let live kind of guy, but we’re living in a world where that attitude is perceived as an invitation to be attacked, maligned, or messed with. In the real (physical) world, I’ve gotten my Level 4 Private Security/Bodyguard license from Texas DPS, which makes me an honest-to-goodness first responder and both licensed and trained to carry a firearm (pretty much everywhere), OC spray (pepper spray to you noobs), a baton, a Taser (the real kind, with the wires), and handcuffs. The group I’m with emphasizes training – we trained on driving vehicles in a protective detail this weekend. Fascinating stuff. But in the online world, things aren’t as simple. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube – they are all run by people on the Left that think that censorship is just A-OK for opinions that differ from their own. Not cool. Not cool at all. And then there’s the monetization thing. They all make money, real money, when someone reads something I wrote. I get…nothing for it. And if/when they don’t like what I write, they can simply “shadow-ban” me by effectively hiding it from the rest of the world. In a word, this SUCKS. So I’m doing what I can to fight this.
Instead of quitting those apps (which would further isolate me) I’m moving what I write to this site – captaindigital.net – and linking to my stories, essays, thoughts, and rants on FB and YouTube. Hopefully, I’ll attract an audience here, over time, and it will be (more) censorship-proof than if I were to post directly on the Leftist’s platforms. Time will tell. In the meantime, I’m playing around with some different layouts and graphics on this site, just to see what works, and what doesn’t. Let me know what you think.
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