Do you love your country? I do. What are you willing to do to save it? For it needs saving. Seriously.
Understand, this is not a Democrat versus Republican, or Liberal versus Conservative issue. It’s a Right versus Wrong issue. Our country, our values, our freedoms and our inalienable human rights are under attack. From where I sit, we each have but two choices – ignore the problem and hope it goes away, or do something about it.
So what do we do?
I think the answer are the many Tea Parties that will take place across the country on July 4th.
I am against the idea of armed insurrection. To take up arms against your own country is a contradiction of the very reason to fight – how can you protect the Constitution by violating it? (Answer: you really can’t.) Until and unless the Federal Government ignores the Constitution on a wholesale basis, taking up arms is NOT the answer. And, frankly, we’re a long way from that. Unfortunately, the American people are in the position of the proverbial “frog in the pot,” with the Progressives, Socialists, Communists, and Anarchists turning up the heat, gradually. Ignore the threats to the Constitution at your own peril.
The Tea Parties offer a peaceful, public, and legal way to protest what’s going on in Washington. Think the Obama administration and Congress are turning a deaf ear? If they were, they wouldn’t be busy denigrating the phenomena. They wouldn’t be using the State-Run Media to make fun of attendees with obscure, sexual references. And they wouldn’t be doing things like actively working against the events even taking place (as in Atlanta, courtesy of Simon Properties).
So get off your couches. Rise up out of your La-Z-Boys and Barcoloungers. Get your Alice B. Tookases down to your local Tea Party and let your voices be heard. The future of your country depends on it.
State run media? Socialists, communists and anarchists turning up the heat? Go to a Tea Party to make your voices heard? Its truly a disservice you render to your country CD. When real fascists appear people won't be able to recognize it because of your inanities.
Where were you during the last decade as the constitution was under siege given tacit approval through the mute consent by the proponents of your Tea Party Confederates.
Captain Digital doesn't have a good grasp of the compass points of the American political landscape. If CD steered the Ship of State we would certainly beech on the shallow shoals of your understanding.
Stick to you posts on Michael Jackson to drive cheap hits to your site CD.
I'm abandoning this ship.
Jimmymac: sorry to lose you as a reader. Your comments, though, do beg for a reply.
I attended the San Antonio Tea Party back on April 15th, and the one in Amarillo on July 4th. What I see at the Tea Parties are people from all over the political spectrum – people that are concerned about the direction of our country. Most of those attending are concerned about excessive government spending, the influence of the Federal Reserve, bailout bucks, a government takeover of health care, and a rapidly growing Federal government. These aren't the only issues that our country faces – but they are are the ones that will determine our future as a country. I can tell you for a fact that trying to get the attention of your Congressman or your Senators is a study in frustration. My U.S. Congressman received thousands of calls, asking him to vote against TARP. The first time, he voted against it, then changed his vote for round two. I'll be voting against him next time. If I'd been in the minority on this issue, I could argue that he was listening to the majority. But the majority was against TARP. You can argue that he was elected for his wisdom and experience. I would counter by saying that if he thinks ignoring his constituents is a good idea, he's been up there too long, and needs a forced retirement. THAT is what the Tea Parties are all about – citizens using peaceful assembly and protest to get the attention of an unresponsive government.
You assume that I was asleep at the switch in the decade prior to Obama's election, regarding an assault on our Constitution. Our Constitution has been under assault for far longer than the last decade. In fact, you'd have to go back to the 1920s to find a point in our history where the Constitution has NOT been under a concerted attack. For the record, while I supported the Bush administrations policies and efforts in the War on Terror, I did NOT agree with things like the Medicare Drug benefit and the complete lack of attention paid to border security. I was one of the voices loudly complaining that Bush was abandoning Conservative principles.
I started the Captain Digital blog because I wanted to share my thoughts on politics, pop culture, and a variety of other topics. You have every right to disagree with me, just as I have every right to speak my piece. Apparently, there are a fair number of people that enjoy reading what I write. Not sure if they agree with me, but my guess is that they are at the least, entertained by what I write, and find at least some of what I write to be insightful. I am constantly reading histories, political commentary, other blogs, and listening to people I think have a firm grasp on the issues, rather than simply spouting off. Aside from simply hurling insults, I'd be interested in hearing something a little more substantial from you, if you want to express your opinions in the future.
Oh, and regarding your comment about driving “cheap hits,” you've again missed my point. As a commentary on pop culture, I wrote about both Jackson and Farrah Fawcett's deaths because they were celebrities. (Can't really say write about pop culture if you take a pass on some big celebrity deaths.) When I saw what kind of hits I was getting on my blog due to the Jackson post, I was surprised. Then I read that Google had presumed that the Jackson hits were at first a concentrated Denial of Service (DoS) attack on their servers. The phenomenon was worth (I thought) a comment, simply because my daily hit rate went up to over 10x what was normal. It's ironic that by commenting on the hits, I would skew the results even more. (Scientist call that the “Observer Affect” – you can't observe something without affecting the result.) Since my second post was a commentary on the effect on my blog stats, I make no apologies for it.
So I'll keep commenting on what I see as “state-run media” and an administration that seems Hell-bent on driving us into a Socialist or Fascist state. You're free to read what I have to say, or not. At least while we have some Constitutional freedoms left.
Jimmymac: sorry to lose you as a reader. Your comments, though, do beg for a reply.
I attended the San Antonio Tea Party back on April 15th, and the one in Amarillo on July 4th. What I see at the Tea Parties are people from all over the political spectrum – people that are concerned about the direction of our country. Most of those attending are concerned about excessive government spending, the influence of the Federal Reserve, bailout bucks, a government takeover of health care, and a rapidly growing Federal government. These aren't the only issues that our country faces – but they are are the ones that will determine our future as a country. I can tell you for a fact that trying to get the attention of your Congressman or your Senators is a study in frustration. My U.S. Congressman received thousands of calls, asking him to vote against TARP. The first time, he voted against it, then changed his vote for round two. I'll be voting against him next time. If I'd been in the minority on this issue, I could argue that he was listening to the majority. But the majority was against TARP. You can argue that he was elected for his wisdom and experience. I would counter by saying that if he thinks ignoring his constituents is a good idea, he's been up there too long, and needs a forced retirement. THAT is what the Tea Parties are all about – citizens using peaceful assembly and protest to get the attention of an unresponsive government.
You assume that I was asleep at the switch in the decade prior to Obama's election, regarding an assault on our Constitution. Our Constitution has been under assault for far longer than the last decade. In fact, you'd have to go back to the 1920s to find a point in our history where the Constitution has NOT been under a concerted attack. For the record, while I supported the Bush administrations policies and efforts in the War on Terror, I did NOT agree with things like the Medicare Drug benefit and the complete lack of attention paid to border security. I was one of the voices loudly complaining that Bush was abandoning Conservative principles.
I started the Captain Digital blog because I wanted to share my thoughts on politics, pop culture, and a variety of other topics. You have every right to disagree with me, just as I have every right to speak my piece. Apparently, there are a fair number of people that enjoy reading what I write. Not sure if they agree with me, but my guess is that they are at the least, entertained by what I write, and find at least some of what I write to be insightful. I am constantly reading histories, political commentary, other blogs, and listening to people I think have a firm grasp on the issues, rather than simply spouting off. Aside from simply hurling insults, I'd be interested in hearing something a little more substantial from you, if you want to express your opinions in the future.
Oh, and regarding your comment about driving “cheap hits,” you've again missed my point. As a commentary on pop culture, I wrote about both Jackson and Farrah Fawcett's deaths because they were celebrities. (Can't really say write about pop culture if you take a pass on some big celebrity deaths.) When I saw what kind of hits I was getting on my blog due to the Jackson post, I was surprised. Then I read that Google had presumed that the Jackson hits were at first a concentrated Denial of Service (DoS) attack on their servers. The phenomenon was worth (I thought) a comment, simply because my daily hit rate went up to over 10x what was normal. It's ironic that by commenting on the hits, I would skew the results even more. (Scientist call that the “Observer Affect” – you can't observe something without affecting the result.) Since my second post was a commentary on the effect on my blog stats, I make no apologies for it.
So I'll keep commenting on what I see as “state-run media” and an administration that seems Hell-bent on driving us into a Socialist or Fascist state. You're free to read what I have to say, or not. At least while we have some Constitutional freedoms left.