I love to read. I read just about everything I can get my hands on – from mysteries to histories, tech books to cook books. My favorite for light reading are in the techo-thriller genre…books about heroic Americans fighting the spies and soliders of other countries or terrorists. Glenn Beck (one of my favorite radio/TV guys) had author Christopher Reich on his show recently, to plug the book Rules of Deception. Beck mentioned that he’d not yet read the book (never a good idea to plug something you haven’t read, Glenn), but he was amazed that, as the story revolved around Iran’s attempts to enrich uranium for the express purpose of building nuclear weapons, that the New York Times had given the book a glowing review. Little did I know when I bought it that there was a good reason the NY Times loved it. [Read more…] about Don’t Buy This Book.
Zig Obama.
I’m a conservative. (Note I didn’t say “I’m a Republican.” In today’s world of RINOs – Republicans In Name Only – running the show, I can’t claim kinship…the word “Republican” has no real meaning any more.)
As a conservative, I’m against practically everything Obama stands for. You know – socialism, higher taxes, less national defense, more appeasement – that sort of thing. Frankly, Obama scared me silly from the begining, as I see him as the perfect candidate for this age of political parties held hostage by radical fringe groups and a mainstream media who has abandoned their traditional job as neutral observers and become a bunch of cheerleaders for a single candidate (Obama, if you’ve not been paying attentition to the blatant media bias). But last night, as I watched The Annointed One address a political rally in Germany (?!), I realized what REALLY scares me about this guy. [Read more…] about Zig Obama.
On Hypocricy.
Here’s the deal. Ever since the MoveOn.org crowd decided that the morals of a politician were nobody’s business but their own, we’ve lived in a world of double standards. Both those on the Left (Sen. Edwards, Jesse Jackson, Rep. Jefferson, etc.) and those on the right (Larry Craig, Ted Stevens, etc.) try their best to convince us that their private behavior has no bearing on their public fortunes.
That’s a load of B.S.
This is an issue of trust, and if someone is a hypocrite, you simply can’t – or at least shouldn’t – trust them. [Read more…] about On Hypocricy.
Why doesn’t Islam practice excommunication?
Whoo, boy, am I opening a can o’ worms on THIS one. Exhibit A to the left here is one of the cartoons the Danish papers had the courage to print. Now, it’s not that the cartoon is really in bad taste – not when we Christians have to content with the ‘art’ of Robert Maplethorpe, and countless other depections in the media of Christians as narrow-minded, biggoted simpletons – but it is not the cartoon itself (nor what it implies) that I want to talk about tonight. No, campers, it is the reaction to the cartoons – not by the radical Islamists, but by everyone else. [Read more…] about Why doesn’t Islam practice excommunication?
The Energy Mess.
Okay. It seems that everybody and his cat has an opinion on the energy problems we face here in the good ‘ol U. S. of A. I’m no different. The difference is that unlike most of the pundits out there, I don’t have any other axe to grind other than speaking what I see as the truth. No liberal bias. No conservative bias either. In particular, I am beholden to no special-interest groups.This shouldn’t be a liberal versus conservative issue (which is part of the problem). It should be strictly an American problem, and it should unite us.
In light of this fact, I’m going to share with you some common-sense bullet points that I hope will reframe the discussion on what to do to get our energy prices under control. [Read more…] about The Energy Mess.
Babes with Bullets.
Here’s the deal. We live in uncertain times. The one thing we can count on is that we can’t really count on anybody but ourselves. Now I’m a big believer and supporter of both our military, and our public servants (police, fire, EMS). I believe they are ALL underpaid, overworked, and unappreciated. However, no matter how good they are, they can’t be everywhere at once. And when it comes to defending yourselves against the wolves of the world, your best bet is not to hope a shepherd is around when you need one, but to stop acting like a sheep. [Read more…] about Babes with Bullets.
Call Her Irresponsible…
You gotta admire chutzpah. For the rest of the goyem out there without a working knowledge of Yiddish, “chutzpah” is defined as meaning “insolence”, “audacity”, and/or “impertinence.” In colloquial English, think of it as having a pair of big brass ones. And The Speaker(ette) of The House has a big pair, indeed. For those of you not following political discourse (and instead form your opinions based on the sound bites fed you from the New York Times, Washington Post, and the ABC/NBC/CBS cabal of Mainstream Media (hereafter known as “MSM”), here’s REAL newsflash: Pelosi has effectively shut down the U.S. House from conducting any real work, because she is determined to block a vote by Republicans and maverick Democrats to authorize drilling for oil off the shores of the United States. At any cost. And when a politician decides to do something “at any cost,” you can be assured of two things: 1) it’s gonna cost a lot, and 2) the taxpayers will end up footing the bill. But I digress… [Read more…] about Call Her Irresponsible…
My friend ran for President, and all I got was this lousy TShirt.
I’m not easily impressed by most marketing. It’s not that I’m jaded…I’ve just seen a LOT of pitches, promotions, and “new” (read: “recycled, old”) ideas. No big. But every now and then, something comes across my desk that makes me sit up and take notice. Such is the case with http://www.news3online.com. This thing is brilliant.
Few people that are hip to the capabilities of Photoshop and AfterEffects are undully impressed with seeing their photo munged into another. Fair enough. But what if you created what appears to be a legit news story about a grassroots Presidential campaign, and built a dynamic database to capture emails, with the viral “news” story as the lure? Now THAT’S marketing. [Read more…] about My friend ran for President, and all I got was this lousy TShirt.
The Rainbow Competition.
You can tell Jesse Jackson’s in the news again by looking at his shoes. You know. The ones with the teeth marks on them. From putting his foot in his mouth. Again. But this time, it’s a (presumably) friendly fire incident with Mr. Rainbow Connection fragging his party’s/constituency’s/race’s nominee for President. The question is, why? [Read more…] about The Rainbow Competition.
Seen any good movies lately?
I have. I rented a couple of DVDs for my wife and I to watch. One was Vantage Point, an action/mystery/thriller about a Presidential assasination, told (and retold) from a variety of points-of-view. It was surprisingly good…”surprisingly,” because it came – and went – at the box office so fast, I’m not sure it lasted a week. If you like intelligent movies that make you think – and pay attention – you’ll likely enjoy this one. However, if you’re like most of the movie-going public, maybe not. And that brings me to my rant du jour… [Read more…] about Seen any good movies lately?