Captain Digital is the alter-ego of Brad Kozak, a principal in novel idea, a marketing/advertising/design firm with offices in Dallas and Shreveport. Kozak is a polymath (which sounds every so much less egotistical than “Renaissance Man”) who dabbles in guitar, bass, drums, vibes, composition, arranging, orchestration, creative writing, carpentry, cabinetry, public relations, storytelling, stand-up comedy, sleight-of-hand magic, acting, character voices and voice-overs, graphic design, off-roading, and brainstorming. The opinions expressed within this blog are his own. Or in Brad’s own words…
Hmmm…let’s see. About. That’s a big topic. I’m about 50-something. Does that cover it? No? Okay. Well, let’s see. How about two words to describe me…that’s a puzzler…um, what about “Machine Washable”? No? Maybe this will work: “I’m a typical marketing guy…a 6’4″ dwarf…blond voice, curly eyes, talks with a limp.” Nah. Didn’t think so. Okay…how about this:
Brad Kozak is the founder of, and creative director of Novel Idea and He spent the salad days of his career at Micrografx, Inc., serving as their creative director and user-interface evangelist. This is curious, as he hates salads. After a transitory stop product-managing for Altsys, he realized that his checkered past could be used for more than just playing checkers. Armed with this information, he sold all his plaid suits and began freelancing. Due to a shortage of lances available at little-to-no cost, he grew his venture into a Full-Fledged Company©, grokmedia. After spending seven long years doing a penance to the Lord in purgatory (a.k.a., the Panhandle of Texas), he relocated back to parts East, and returned to civilization. An accomplished marketeer, graphic artist, illustrator, writer, musician, composer/arranger, programmer, bon-vivant, and raconteur, he is semi-affectionately known among his little group as “Captain Digital,” bringing help to the helpless, hope to the hopeless, and feet to the defeated. When not ranting about objectivism, he enjoys building mosaic handball courts for over-privileged children, writing songs no one will hear, and vainly strives to Do The Right Thing, despite running the risk of being sued for copyright infringement by Spike Lee for the use of his movie title in this bio.
If you’d like to reach Brad, you can call him at 759.9820 in the 469 area code, or reach him at “bkozak” on the email server associated with this domain (a.k.a. “”.)