Okay. If you’re a reader of this blog for any length of time, you know I’m a marketing guy. I have two (main) blogs – this one, where I wax rhapsodic on politics and pop culture, and blog.grokmedia.com, where I opine on all things marketing. For the last few months, I’ve been running a little experiment on my grok blog, with AdSense, just to see what kind of money I could pull in by running ads. The results are in…and while I’m not getting rich (I wish) on the ad revenues, it does, at least, pay my hosting fees. Coolness. So I’ve added ads here on this blog. As I have absolutely NO idea (and little control) over what ads appear on the site, there is ZERO chance that my opinions will be compromised by the ad content. (I suppose everybody has their price. Mine is a chalet in the Swiss Alps.)
So, CaptainDigital.net enters the arena of ad-supported blogging.