Right up front, lemme say that I’m on the side of those that treasure traditional values – family, religion, country…that sort of thing. I’m a huge believer in the sanctity of the family. In fact, I believe that the family answers to God first. I believe that the government is supposed to work for us – not us for them. And I believe that Parents are the ultimate authority (after God) over their kids – not the State.
Unfortunately for all of us, that is directly opposite from the philosophy of our new President and his administration.
Even worse, there’s been a group actively working on softening us all up, in preparation for the Obama administration’s big push towards Socialism. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you…Hollywood.
Do you know the one about how to cook a frog? (Not a Frenchman…a real, live frog.) If you boil a pot of water and throw a live frog in, the frog will immediately jump out, unharmed. (Well…unharmed but royally ticked off.) On the other hand, if you put the frog in a room temp pot of water, then turn the heat on, he’ll blissfully swim around until the water gets hot, by which time it’s too late for him to jump out, as he’s lulled into a lethargic state. Voillá! Cooked frog. (I know, I know…that’s not funny. That’s sick. Tell it to PeTA.) In my scenario, we’re the frogs, and Hollywood has their hand on the burner controls.
Don’t believe me? Try this on for size. In the 1950s and 60s, we watched shows like Father Knows Best, Make Room for Daddy, Leave it to Beaver Ozzie and Harriet and The Andy Griffith Show. Each show had a father who was wise, loving, and fair. In the 70’s that all started to change. First we had “sensitive men” shows (like M*A*S*H) where manly men were ridiculed. This gave way to shows that portrayed fathers as bumbling idiots, little more that self-centered, overgrown children. As much as I enjoy The Simpsons, Homer is a lousy archetype for fathers. In The World According to Jim, the dad is an infantile, yet well-meaning moron. Don’t even get me started on Married with Children. You get the picture. In these shows, the moms are portrayed as generally patient, long-suffering, frustrated women, who are more-or-less resigned to their lot in life. The kids are universally portrayed as smarter than their parents. The subtextural message is “dads are not worthy of trust…they aren’t reliable, they don’t lead, and they are immature jerks. Let’s ridicule them.” Take away a father’s perception as the head of the family, and all of a sudden, the family has no leader.
Just recently, I’ve noticed a new trend – mothers as self-absorbed, neglectful, whining harridans. Watch the new shows on the networks (CBS/ABC/NBC/FOX) and see if you don’t see what I see.
When you convince people that dads are idiots, mom’s are self-centered and lazy, and kids are smarter than their parents, it’s a recipe for the destruction of the traditional family unit. So then, what replaces the family unit? In LiberalLand, it’s the government. Remember Hillary’s It Takes a Village? She and her pals genuinely believe that the State should tell us how to raise our kids. Hollywood did the frog-in-a-pot thing for them. Now all they need do is to turn up the heat, and parboil us to taste.
Think about AlGore’s recent speech to kids. Two messages rang out, loud and clear: “You know things your parents don’t know,” and “You don’t need to listen to your parents.” Wow. I see an entire generation of Hitler Youth going “hey, Herr Gore…you are stealing our riff, dere.” (Of course, they won’t be “brownshirts’ this time. “Greenshirts” will be ever so much more P.C. and so much easier to sell.)
Will the American Family survive? Not if the left has their way. What remains to be seen is the effect of Democrat overreaching will have. You see, the one thing that can save the frog is if you turn the heat up too fast. Spook the frog, and he’ll jump out to safety whilst there’s still time. Here’s hoping our frogs all jump, before it’s too late.
When I watch Jeremy Kyle show or Dr Phil show, I see people in trouble because they lack family leader(s) in their lives. The media does not support honoring elderly … and it is for good reasons … it is easier to fool younger generation …
When I watch Jeremy Kyle show or Dr Phil show, I see people in trouble because they lack family leader(s) in their lives. The media does not support honoring elderly … and it is for good reasons … it is easier to fool younger generation …