As it turns out, not every blue-collar worker wants to see us turned into the People’s Republik of Amerika. At a recent political rally in Ohio, a plumber quizzed Obama on his tax plan. Turns out the plumber is a self-made man, starting at the bottom, struggling, then eventually working his way up to earning over $280,000 per year. Obama’s answers were…revealing, to say the least. Here’s a quote of the exchange, taken from an article at
Barack Obama told a tax-burdened plumber over the weekend that his economic philosophy is to “spread the wealth around” — a comment that may only draw fire from riled-up John McCain supporters who have taken to calling Obama a “socialist” at the Republican’s rallies.
Obama made the remark, caught on camera, after fielding some tough questions from the plumber Sunday in Ohio, where the Democratic candidate canvassed neighborhoods and encouraged residents to vote early.
“Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?” the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed “more and more for fulfilling the American dream.”
“It’s not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance for success too,” Obama responded. “My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody … I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
To all those who’ve been decrying McCain supporters claims that Obama is a socialist: Shut up. He is. His statements just proved it, and knocked your feet out from under you.
Obama advocates income redistribution, no matter how you slice it. His steal from the rich and give to the poor is socialism, pure and simple. And it turns out that a number of middle class people Obama classifies as rich are not too bloody happy with his tax plan.
In fact, neither candidate ‘gets it’ on taxes, as far as I’m concerned. The key to economic recovery when you’re in a hole this deep is to stop digging. We need to spend less money. That means we cut programs, entitlements – whatever gets spending down. We need less outgo – not more income. Obama never met an entitlement he didn’t love, nor a tax he couldn’t live with. By saying that he wants to help “all the little guys behind you,” means he wants to essentially punish those that have made it, so the ones that haven’t can make it without working so hard. That is socialism. Period.
Socialism is a cancer on society. Once it gets a foothold, it’s harder to eradicate than kudzu and crabgrass put together. Think about the New Deal policies. Many of those were supposed to be “temporary fixes” to help turn the economy around. They are still around. Government help programs never die – they just leech away. Now consider what was (more or less) the second-coming of FDR – LBJ. His “Great Society” programs are also with us to this day. If we elect Obama, expect more of the same. A lot more.
When you’re a ‘have-not,’ income redistribution can look pretty seductive. When you’re a ‘have’ – not so much. Think about this plumber. He worked his way up from minimum wage to making $285K a year. On his own. No government handouts. No income redistribution. No nothin.’ Obama’s point is that he should be willing to pay higher taxes in order to give those that haven’t made it, so they can do what he did, and become successful.
The keys to success has nothing to do with government assistance. It’s all about hard work, self-reliance and drive. All you do when you give somebody something for nothing is to teach them that they don’t have to work hard, rely on themselves, or have any kind of drive in order to make more. Essentially, you turn them into government-dependent handout junkies, with Big Government as their dope dealer.
[Ugh…suddenly flashed on a scene out of a parody of a bad 70’s cop show, with Obama dressed up like Huggie Bear from the old Starsky and Hutch TV show, making a speech from the Oval Office, telling his peeps to chill, cause the next shipment of handouts has been delayed by “the man.” Wow. Now I know what a bad drug trip must feel like.]
If the plumber can make it with hard work and grit, why can’t everybody else? Why do we need governemnt help? The straight answer is, we DON’T. You see, when you redistribute income, not only do teach the have-nots that working hard is for chumps, you teach those that work hard that there’s no reason to do so, as the fruits of your labors will go to somebody else – somebody who did NOT work hard to get where they are.
Socialism is inherently UNfair, because it reduces every citizen to a dependent ward of the state. The government decides how much you are allowed to earn. (That’s what income redistribution is all about.) Think about how efficient the government is, running things like the VA Hospitals, Medicare, and FEMA. Do you REALLY want them taking YOUR money and giving it to other “needy” people?
Look, folks, life is tough. I wish I could say that I’m on easy street, but I’m not. Still, I’d rather make it on my own, than be dependent on the government for assistance. Bottom line, we don’t need this kind of socialism in our country, and we surely don’t need a President that’s going to promote it, every chance he gets. This plumber is right. It may sound compassionate to redistribute income, but it’s not. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. The fair thing – the ONLY fair thing – is to create a system where everybody pulls their own weight. I’m with the plumber – when I want a little ‘help’ from the government, I’ll let you know. But don’t waste a lot of time waiting for that call.
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