Or in this case, does ACORN’s operation fall far from their former corporate counsel, Senator Barack Obama?
Here’s the deal: ACORN is the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, Inc. They are one of the credits Obama cites when he makes his much-vaunted claims to be a “community organizer.” Who is ACORN, and more importantly, why should you care?
ACORN purports to be a non-profit organization, dedicated to protecting the rights and furthering the agendas of low-income and poor citizens. From their actions, however, it would seem that ACORN is actually a group that is spending its time registering voters – especially voters that will vote Democrat. Nothing wrong with that. Except that every time they’ve been investigated (in offices all across the country) they get nailed when it is proven that a vast majority of their registrations are bogus.
Today in Las Vegas (a place not exactly known for being free of corruption in its own right), the authorities raided the ACORN offices and apparently discovered that they’d registered the entire Dallas Cowboys football team. “Tony Romo is not registered to vote in the state of Nevada, and anybody trying to pose as Terrell Owens won’t be able to cast a ballot on Nov. 4,” said Secretary of State Ross Miller, according to the Associated Press. Miller added that other staff members fraudulently used false names or information, and/or duplicated information on multiple forms.
This is a familiar pattern of behavior with ACORN. Now, we can’t blame Senator Obama for the behavior of a few bunch of ACORN staffers, even if their voter fraud is perpetrated for his benefit. However, this has been going on for a long time, including the time during which Obama served as their attorney. You have to wonder, even if Obama believed in their mission but not their tactics, why he wouldn’t have divorced himself from them early on, and certainly beat a hasty path to a press conference to denounce them by now. Nobody howled louder than the Liberals in 2000, when they believed that the GOP stole the Presidential election from Al “I invented the Internet” Gore. So you’d think that their standard-bearer would be out in front, denouncing voter fraud, to avoid even a whiff of the perception of guilt by association.
The problem is, this is not an isolated case with Obama. Let’s look at the many people he’s surrounded himself with over the last few years:
- ACORN – accused of rampant voter fraud in multiple instances.
- Rev. Jeremiah Wright – multiple cases of outrageous statements indicative of a radical, anti-white, anti-American agenda.
- Father Michael Pfleger – friend of Rev. Wright and Lewis Farrakhan, and another radical proponent of anti-American statements.
- Tony Rezko – Chicago developer convicted of multiple fraud counts, fundraiser for Obama, and linked to Obama in a shady real estate deal, where Obama bought a home for a small fraction of it’s value.
- William Ayers – a professor of education at the University of Illinois, Chicago, and a former member of the Weather Underground Movement, (a.k.a. “the Weathermen”), a radical 1960’s counterculture group that wanted to overthrow of the United StatAes government. Ayers said recently, “I don’t regret setting bombs; I feel we didn’t do enough.” Ayers is linked to bombings of the United States Capitol, the Pentagon, and the State Department, along with a series of courthouses, jails, banks, and prison administrative offices. Obama held one of his first campaign organizational meetings at Ayers home, and has ties to Ayers political organization.
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