…for it’s debate time. I’m looking forward to tonight with a sense of anticipatory dread. I’m hopeful Palin will exceed all expectations, and blow Biden out of the water. In order to do that, however, she will have to not only win, but win by such a convincing margin that nobody in the mainstream media will be able to pretend she didn’t. Here are the possible outcomes, in order of worst to best. I’m handicapping the debate, just so some of my liberal friends and I will be able to gloat about who’s right and who’s wrong, prediction-wise, aprés-debate…
Palin tanks/Biden shines. This is the result the mainstream media cabal is hoping for. But Palin is really good in debate formats, the camera loves her, and Biden likes the taste of his own shoe leather. Odds: 20 to 1 against.
Palin holds her own/Biden don’t blow it. If they can’t get the result above, the media will settle for this one, but they’ll still characterize it as a Biden win/Palin loss. Odds: even money.
Palin comes out ahead/Biden avoids gaffes. I’d say this one is pretty likely, given Palin’s debate skill versus Biden’s tendencies toward long, boring answers and his habit of putting his foot in it. Odds: 4 to 3 for.
Palin shoots! She scores!/Biden goes for the foot all the way up to the kneecap. I dream of this. I’ve never cared for Biden, who strikes me as a political hack in love with the sound of his own voice. I think Palin is the best thing to happen to the Conservative movement since Ronald Wilson Reagan. For this to happen, Palin will have to take the “Big Mo” early, and back Biden into a corner. No missteps. No waffling. Biden will have to be himself, at his worst. Unless this is so convincing as to convince both sides of the outcome, expect the mainstream media to be full-tilt Denial mode. (Katie Couric will be assaying the role of Cleopatra…Queen of Denial.) Odds: 2 to 1 against.
As you can see from my odds, I’m bullish on Palin. I hope she wins, and wins big. But she’s got an uphill battle – a formidable opponent, a hostile press, and a moderator who’s in the tank, both philosophically and financially, for the Democrats. On the other hand, I have faith in Governor Palin. If anybody can slay the Liberal Cerbus, Palin can. Godspeed, Sarah. Godspeed.
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