As I write this, the American Friends Service Committee, Mennonite Central Committee, World Council of Churches, Quaker United Nations Office and Religions for Peace are set to host an “international dialogue” on the topic “Has Not One God Created Us? The Significance of Religious Contributions to Peace” at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Manhattan. Their Very Special Guest? Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Is this for REAL?
Sadly, yes. A bunch of well-meaning fellow-travelers (to bring back a moldy oldie term from the Cold War), have decided that they can Solve The World’s Problems if only they just have a Really Earnest Dialog with a guy who has claimed in recent days that America’s day as a world power is coming to a close, and that Israel should be wiped off the map. Um…yeah…that’s what this situation needs – a bunch of well-meaning pacifists (ooh, those wacky Quakers…what a bunch of kidders!) in a room with a guy who’s bloody well the face of Islamic terror. Let’s not forget, President Tom was one of those fun-loving “students” who overran the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, way back in the bad old Carter years (a.k.a.: the “Era of Malaise”), and took 52 Americans hostage. For 444 days. Yeah. THAT President Tom.
Seems like a winning plan, eh? (Just TALK to the guy…he seems like a reasonable man…if only we can tell him that we’re all in this together, he’ll stop trying to make nukes, live and let Israel live, and we’ll see Peace In Our Time.*) It’s amazing, but these guys really beleive they can make a difference.
I, too, am a Christian. I go to church (almost) every Sunday. I do a lot of volunteer work for my church. I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. However, I’ve seen how God deals with worldly things, and I can’t recall too many times when God softened the heart of some tinpot despot, and brought him around to a 180° change of heart. Far more often, the Bible is full of stories where God took a metaphorical 2 x 4 and did some serious smiting. In fact, I would go so far as to say that God is the Undisputed Universe-Class Champ at that smiting stuff. Having been hit upside the head with Jehovah’s version of a Louisville Slugger (don’t ask), I can tell you that God does not shilly-shally when it comes to that smiting stuff. Now I can’t even pretend to know God’s will, but if past events are any indicator of future performance, I would suggest to ol’ President Tom that he not make a lot of long-range plans.
In thinking about it, I feel sorry for these poor, misguided people that somehow think that if they’re just nice to Iran, we’ll all get along. It doesn’t work that way. It would be nice if it did, but then again, if wishes were horses, we’d all win the Kentucky Derby. Until Judgement Day, there will always be bad people, just as there will always be good people. Trying to somehow deny the existence of evil will just get you killed. So to all those Quakers, Mennonites, and the other mugwumps in the War on Terror, I know you mean well, but seriously, guys…you’re NOT helping. Just sit back and watch, because when God gets ready to smite, it’s the best show in town.
Hey, you might want to check out these questions and answers from Mennonite Central Committee about today's event. I think it helps explain the motivation for this fourth meeting with the President of Iran.
Thanks for reading my blog, and thanks for writing.
I am fully aware of the motivation behind this meeting. Unfortunately, this
kind of thing may give some comfort that they are establishing a dialog, but
let's get realistic here. Iran is run by people who think it's not only okay
to kill anyone (their own people included) to satisfy their ends, but
that their
actions are approved by their god.” Note that I say their god, and not
simply “God.” I do not believe that the god that they worship is the one we
do. I'm not a theologian, but if they worship the same God as we do, then
God – our God – is NOT blessing their actions, nor are they listening to
I'm all for talking things out to resolve disputes, right up until it
becomes apparent that the guy on the other side of the table wants to kill
me. The Iranian leadership is not rational. They are not interested in
dialog (except as a diversion or political grandstanding), and they will not
be swayed. They mean to kill every Jew on this planet, and wipe out America.
In their world, the only way we can escape the fate in store for us from
their hand would be to convert to Islam and acknowledge their brand of Islam
as the One True Faith.
Not gonna happen.
The deal is that people like the Iranian rulers use people like those that
attended this conference as “useful idiots” (another Cold War phrase) to
deflect criticism, dissemble, and divert attention away from their real
plans. Mark my words, unless Israel and/or the United States use military
force to stop Iran's nuclear ambitions, we will live to see Iran become a
nuclear power. At that point, you can start reading the Book of Revelations
like a TV Guide, instead of a Preview of Coming Attractions.
I understand the desire to make peace with our enemies. But defending
yourself against a relentless, Godless enemy is also a Christian thing to
– Brad Kozak
Thanks for reading my blog, and thanks for writing.
I am fully aware of the motivation behind this meeting. Unfortunately, this
kind of thing may give some comfort that they are establishing a dialog, but
let's get realistic here. Iran is run by people who think it's not only okay
to kill anyone (their own people included) to satisfy their ends, but
that their
actions are approved by their god.” Note that I say their god, and not
simply “God.” I do not believe that the god that they worship is the one we
do. I'm not a theologian, but if they worship the same God as we do, then
God – our God – is NOT blessing their actions, nor are they listening to
I'm all for talking things out to resolve disputes, right up until it
becomes apparent that the guy on the other side of the table wants to kill
me. The Iranian leadership is not rational. They are not interested in
dialog (except as a diversion or political grandstanding), and they will not
be swayed. They mean to kill every Jew on this planet, and wipe out America.
In their world, the only way we can escape the fate in store for us from
their hand would be to convert to Islam and acknowledge their brand of Islam
as the One True Faith.
Not gonna happen.
The deal is that people like the Iranian rulers use people like those that
attended this conference as “useful idiots” (another Cold War phrase) to
deflect criticism, dissemble, and divert attention away from their real
plans. Mark my words, unless Israel and/or the United States use military
force to stop Iran's nuclear ambitions, we will live to see Iran become a
nuclear power. At that point, you can start reading the Book of Revelations
like a TV Guide, instead of a Preview of Coming Attractions.
I understand the desire to make peace with our enemies. But defending
yourself against a relentless, Godless enemy is also a Christian thing to
– Brad Kozak