Obama must be really nervous tonight. Biden, however, must be wishing he’d been screening his calls.
To call Sarah Palin’s speech amazing is to shower it with faint praise. I think this will go down in history in the same vein as the speech Ronald Regan gave to nominate Barry Goldwater (the speech that launched Regan’s political career). If there were any doubts on the Right that Sarah Palin was the wrong pick, they were more than answered with an emphatic “NO” tonight. She was everything the Right wants, and then some. If there was any doubt on the Left that Palin is going to be all but impossible to beat on the stump, those doubts have been suddenly and decisively retired. The Dems are in real trouble here. Palin’s articulate, well-spoken, intelligent, and…experienced – in both public speaking and in dealing with issues. (She even acquitted herself admirably on foreign policy issues.) And as far as the media goes, if they entertained any thoughts that she might be a pushover, or an easy ‘get’ for their poisoned pens, she quashed those. (My favorite line was the one about how she was not going to Washington to please the liberal media, but to serve the people.) Booyah!
Even the pundits on the left are saying things like “Biden better bring his ‘A’ game to the debates.” Um…yeah. And then some. Biden better bring a couple of changes of shorts, because she’s gonna evicerate him.
In a way, it’s not a fair fight. She’s a walking poster child for traditional American values. She’s articulate. She’s tough, yet feminine. And she’s the kind of attack dog the Right needs – and because she is an attractive woman, Biden’s gonna have to holster his only reliable weapon – his overbearing tongue. No way Biden can unload on her and come off sounding as anything but a bully.
What the Left doesn’t get is that Palin is as qualified as anybody who ran this year to be President. The combination of McCain and Palin is a one-two punch. Like any good partnership, she’s brings strengths to the ticket (domestic, energy, and executive policy) that were peceived as weaknesses for McCain. He, in turn, provides all the foreign policy and military experience she might lack. (Although, I can tell you as a Marine Dad, ANY military Mom has a keen understanding of military issues.)
When the Left talks about Palin’s “inexperience,” they’d like us to believe that McCain is a frail old man, and that the odds are that Palin is likely to end up serving as President, in the event of McCain’s death or incapacitation. Of course, there are no guarantees in life – any of us could drop dead at any time. But the Left doesn’t get that a bunch of us on the Right would be absolutely giddy at the prospect of a President Palin.
Tonight, Sarah Palin emerged onto the National political stage. If she’s not a superstar now, she will be. You watch.
Obama – the sixties called, and they want their “Camelot” back.
I watched a portion of Palin's speech last night, after reading an introductory article about her in the paper earlier this week and I myself would be absolutely ecstatic in the event that Palin were to ever become President. This is not saying that I would wish death upon McCain in any way. You are right, Palin is the poster child for traditional American values. And how refreshing is that? As opposed to all of the liberal women in today's media and politics (i.e. Hillary). How nice is it to hear a real woman with a real family, with real life experiences, saying that it's alright to get married if you get pregnant and give your all into raising your child. That getting an abortion is not the right solution. That abstinence still really may be the best way. But her daughter DID get pregnant as an unmarried teenager, which is what makes her real. She believes in a family and married parents, but that's not to say that she doesn't understand people make mistakes. I hope I'm not the only one that finds it refreshing that a woman who is in such the political spotlight isn't raving about women's rights and the right to choose and on and on. I think it's great to hear a woman say something opposite of “a woman has the right to choose what she wants to do with her body”. The fact that I'm surprised, probably along with most of America only proves how truly unmoral and backwards are society really is. Can't this country appreciate a woman with core values, Christian values, the values of which this country was created upon?
I watched a portion of Palin's speech last night, after reading an introductory article about her in the paper earlier this week and I myself would be absolutely ecstatic in the event that Palin were to ever become President. This is not saying that I would wish death upon McCain in any way. You are right, Palin is the poster child for traditional American values. And how refreshing is that? As opposed to all of the liberal women in today's media and politics (i.e. Hillary). How nice is it to hear a real woman with a real family, with real life experiences, saying that it's alright to get married if you get pregnant and give your all into raising your child. That getting an abortion is not the right solution. That abstinence still really may be the best way. But her daughter DID get pregnant as an unmarried teenager, which is what makes her real. She believes in a family and married parents, but that's not to say that she doesn't understand people make mistakes. I hope I'm not the only one that finds it refreshing that a woman who is in such the political spotlight isn't raving about women's rights and the right to choose and on and on. I think it's great to hear a woman say something opposite of “a woman has the right to choose what she wants to do with her body”. The fact that I'm surprised, probably along with most of America only proves how truly unmoral and backwards are society really is. Can't this country appreciate a woman with core values, Christian values, the values of which this country was created upon?