Wow. When McCain sewed up the GOP nomination, I was resigned to hoping that he’d make a really great VP pick – somebody who would embody REAL Conservative values and principles. Sadly, none of the frontrunners really rang my bell. Jindal refused to be considered. Thompson wasn’t even in the running. Romney looked like a lock, but lost a lot of cred in the primaries, with unexplained “changes of heart” on core-values issues.
Then McCain surprised us all.
Governor Sarah Palin is an absolutely inspired choice. She’s a REAL maverick – cleaning up corruption, regardless of where it’s found – in the Democrats or Republicans corners. She’s a Conservative’s dream – bright, ethical, decisive, effective – and she an NRA member and supports gun rights, drilling in Alaska, the sanctity of life. Her eldest son ships out next month to serve in a war zone as a member of the U.S. Army. Her husband is a union member. She’s articulate, attractive, well-spoken, and has the executive experience that McCain lacks.
Is this perfect, or what?
Politically, this couldn’t be better news for the GOP – or worse news for the Democrats. All the disaffected and disenfranchised Hillary supporters must be thinking, “geez…the GOP nominated a woman…maybe this McCain guy is a viable choice for us.” She’s younger than Obama, has every bit as much (or more) experience in office as he does, and she shores up McCain’s lack of domestic policy experience. She is a REAL outsider, and has a track record of busting up corruption. She comes from a small town, and is a mother of five kids. She represents everything that Obama discounts. She takes away much of the “change” mantra of the Dems. She can siphon off the disgruntled Hillary supporters. She’s bound to attract the orthodox Catholic and right-to-life vote. She gives true Conservatives hope, for both now and in the future. She sets the two parties’ candidates off in stark contrast – with her on the ticket, nobody’s gonna be thinking the choice is strictly between the (far) left and the center. Palin balances the ticket back to where it should be – back to the right.
I predict that the Democrats are going to go postal over this one.
McCain could not have found any other nominee that could have spiked the Democrat talking points as thouroughly and as effectively as Sarah Palin. Which of course means that it’s about to get ugly, quickly. (When you have the facts on your side, you argue the facts. When the facts are against you, throw mud. The Dems are gonna need a LOT of mud.)
If you’d asked me yesterday, “are you for John McCain,” I would have said…not really. I’m voting more “against” Obama, than “for” McCain. Today, I’m actually excited about the prospect of a McCain/Palin ticket. The next couple of months are gonna be interesting. I’m actually looking forward to the debates. The match ups look good – Experienced, articulate debater (McCain) against the slick empty suit (Obama), and the perinial political hack/Mr. Insider (Biden) against the ethical, conservative, anti-corruption Governor (Palin).
I can’t wait…this is gonna get goooood.
If I was a Republican I'd be pissed. As an Alaskan I'm embarrassed.
Sarah Palin: The Real Dope (pun intended)
If you're going to be critical, it might be nice to hear some justification for your opinion. I find it annoying when people I hear critical comments without any facts (or even a partisan rationale) to back up their assertions. I welcome opinions in comments here, but you're gonna have to do better than a couple of one-liners, if you're going to have anyone take your comments seriously.
I'm sorry, you're right I thought the link would have been enough. Here is an excerpt from the link.
“…However there are cracks in the facade Palin presented to Alaskan voters . She is currently under investigation by the legislature for abuse of power involving the firing of her appointed Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety. She's backing away from her pledge of open and transparent government by saying that the public isn't entitled to see emails concerning public business. She's facing an ethics complaint from a former State employee. She has shown poor judgment by selecting a new Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety that had been reprimanded for sexual harassment in his previous position. He was forced to resign after two weeks in the position, but received $10,000.00 in severance pay. She is also well known for her favoritism and cronyism. During her campaign for Governor, Palin said to Alaskans “hold me accountable“, and yet no matter what happens in her administration she is never responsible, it's always someone or something to blame, but never her.”
If you're going to be critical, it might be nice to hear some justification for your opinion. I find it annoying when people I hear critical comments without any facts (or even a partisan rationale) to back up their assertions. I welcome opinions in comments here, but you're gonna have to do better than a couple of one-liners, if you're going to have anyone take your comments seriously.
I'm sorry, you're right I thought the link would have been enough. Here is an excerpt from the link.
“…However there are cracks in the facade Palin presented to Alaskan voters . She is currently under investigation by the legislature for abuse of power involving the firing of her appointed Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety. She's backing away from her pledge of open and transparent government by saying that the public isn't entitled to see emails concerning public business. She's facing an ethics complaint from a former State employee. She has shown poor judgment by selecting a new Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety that had been reprimanded for sexual harassment in his previous position. He was forced to resign after two weeks in the position, but received $10,000.00 in severance pay. She is also well known for her favoritism and cronyism. During her campaign for Governor, Palin said to Alaskans “hold me accountable“, and yet no matter what happens in her administration she is never responsible, it's always someone or something to blame, but never her.”