When I was a kid, things in politics seemed much more simple. Republicans were the party of small government and low taxes. Democrats were the party of big government and big taxes. If you were for personal responsibility, you voted GOP. If you thought government had all the answers, you voted Democrat. Today, it’s not that easy. The GOP has been largely taken over by the RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), where conservative ideals and big government (and big government spending) have learned to peacefully co-exist. The Dems have been bushwacked by the lunatic left, with the George Sorros/MoveOn.org/DailyKos/Huffington Post crowd holding it hostage.
Even though the Republicans have (this year, at least) lost their identity and become more like what few centrist Democrats there are left, and the Democrats have fallen under the thrall of the looney left, both parties seem to be cut from the same bolt of cloth when it comes to (not) getting the job done. And it’s not just partisan gridlock that lies at the center of the problem. It’s the fact that so many of our public servants serve their own interests by way of lobbyists for special interest groups. Want a bridge to nowhere? They gotcha covered. Want actual reform on taxes, immigration, or any other hot-button issue? Fuggettaboutit.
It’s begining to be hard to tell them apart. Republicrats? Democans? I dunno. It’s frustrating, especially for someone like me who believes in small government and conservative prinicples. Then I stumbled across this on YouTube:
I’m not sure if I should laugh or cry. My first instinct was to say, “wow…that’s funny and hits close to home.” My second response was to think “wow…that hits close to home, and there’s nothing funny about that.”
The surprsing thing is, I’m not sure most of the people that watch it will even get that this is a parody. I’m convinced that a large number of people that see this little video will think it’s real. And if that’s true, that’s not just sad – it bodes ill for our democracy, and the republic.
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