You can tell Jesse Jackson’s in the news again by looking at his shoes. You know. The ones with the teeth marks on them. From putting his foot in his mouth. Again. But this time, it’s a (presumably) friendly fire incident with Mr. Rainbow Connection fragging his party’s/constituency’s/race’s nominee for President. The question is, why?
For those of you without access to Fox News (not sure if the MSM’s reporting on this – they typically give stories that embarass Obama a miss – The Rev. Jackson got caught with sotto vocce comments that were made in the vicinity of a live microphone. Oops. Ol’ Jesse allowed how he feels that Sen. Obama is “talking down to black people” and he wants to, um…cut his…um…how can I put this delicately? Let’s try this: Jesse wants to change Barack’s operating system to Unix. Nice.
Some pundits might see the irony in this. After all, Jesse Jackson and the rest of his ilk have a vested interest in keeping African-Americans and/or minorities feeling oppressed (regardless of if they are truely oppressed or not), as the only way they maintain any semblence of power is to keep their troops stirred up and as far away from contentment as possible.
Others might posit that Jeese’s simply jealous of Barack, as, until now you had Jesse holding the Guiness record for “serious Black candidate for the U.S. Presidency.” Now he’s been bumped to “first black candidate” or “it was a nice try, but this guy has a real shot at it, and you never did.” (Just wait. If Obama wins [shudder!] Bill will have to wear his “first black President” monicker with an asterisk next to it in the record book.)
As for me, I can’t seriously believe Jesse’s truly upset with Obama “talking down to blacks.” After all, he’s been doing it for years. Unless Jesse feels that Obama’s horning in on his territory. Strange, but not entirely implausible. But no matter the reason, it’s fascinating for me to sit here and contemplate the fate of Obama, and how so many of those who you’d think would be in lock-step with him right about now, are instead turning on him and acting more like…well, like Republicans. (It’s okay. At least they LIKE their candidate. We’re stuck with a RINO – Republican In Name Only.)
Think about it. The far left got Obama the nomination. Now he’s doing what every candidate (other than Ronald Reagan) has done since voting began – making a mad dash for the center. For you (normally) can’t be a moderate and get your party’s nomination, but you can’t win if you’re on the fringe, and you can’t get much more fringe than Obama. I mean, how many people do you know of that have a MORE liberal voting record than Ted Kennedy?
So now that Obama’s flip-flopping all over the place trying to moderate his positions to get elected, the ones who brung him are upset that he’s seemingly left them standing on the dance floor, dateless. The crowd is muttering menacingly, and some of the left wingnuts are sounding positively betrayed. But let’s get real…who else have they got? As a conservative, I’m in a similar, unenviable position – I can turn my head, hold my nose, and vote for McCain, or I can see someone even LESS in line with my politics get in. Sheesh. What a choice. I think we need a “none of the above” selection on EVERY ballot.
Getting back to Jesse & Company, I wonder just how long it will take these guys to realize that they have no more choice in things than we do. You can pick a naieve, inexperienced empty suit liberal, or a moderate liberal pretending to be a conservative. It’s a pity there are no do-overs in politics. Sigh…I guess I’ll see you on the hustings.
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